Alpaca walking tour

Alpaca walking tour

Puiroontie 63, 75500 Nurmes

Min 1 persons
Max 8 persons

Alpaca walking tour

Get to know the alpacas you'll be leading and take them for a leisurely walk through the rural and forested landscapes of Kivikkola Farm. The length of the walk will be adjusted according to the group's and the alpacas' pace, up to a maximum of 3km. After returning to the alpaca enclosure, we'll greet the other alpacas and feed them carrot pieces. You can also enjoy your own snacks in the enclosure among the alpacas.

A maximum of 4 alpacas will participate in the walk, so in larger groups, the person leading the alpaca will be changed periodically. Please wear suitable shoes for outdoor activities and dress according to the weather.

  • Duration: 1½ hours
  • Price: 90€
  • Group size: 1-8 participants
  • Note: Those leading the alpacas must be over 12 years old; younger children can lead an alpaca together with a parent.